Makeup by Jill Suzanne "A bride's appearance on her wedding day should be the single most spectacular visual component of the entire celebration!" -Autumn 1986 issue Bridal Guide Magazine I love this quote from Bridal Guide Magazine. I love it because a completely agree! Everyone waits excitedly for that first glimpse of the bride as she appears at the back of the aisle. She should take your breath away with her whole bridal look... the dress, the veil, the hair, the makeup, the jewelry. Every detail is important to create a bride's perfect bridal vision that will live forever in memories, videos and photographs. Many brides say they don't wear a lot of makeup and they want to look like themselves on their wedding so they shy away from having professional makeup done on their wedding day. Professional makeup is a must for brides! I always use a light hand on brides who desire to look natural on their wedding day. I can minimize flaws, accentuate your...