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Rosacea Flare-up | My Rosacea Skin Care Regimen | Treatment to Kill Demodex Face Mites & Heal the Face Rash

Your poor face. It is red. It is hot. You have a face rash that is scaly with pimples. Your doctor says you have rosacea, but you don't want to take antibiotics and use the traditional doctor prescribed rosacea treatment. 

I'm here to help you help your skin! 

I can show you how to treat type 2 rosacea face rash flare-ups with over-the-counter remedies.

As an esthetician, I have seen lots of clients suffering with rosacea flare-ups. I too have been diagnosed with rosacea and experience an occasional flare-up of type two rosacea when I get into trigger overload.

Rosacea face Rash

I have a rosacea treatment plan to kill Demodex face mites and clear the rosacea face rash beautifully. My skin type is sensitive combination.

🔴Let's start by getting some facts about rosacea so my skin care regimen makes sense
🔴learn about rosacea triggers and possible causes 
🔴do some Demodex Q&A  
🔴see the list of my rosacea treatment products
🔴and go over my rosacea skin care regimen for a type 2 rosacea flare-up

Let's help keep our skin cool, calm and collected!

Rosacea Facts

What is Rosacea?
Rosacea is a chronic inflammatory skin disease that affects mainly the center of the face and eyes. Yes, they call it a disease! Rosacea is the body's immune system response that results in a variety of symptoms including redness typically in the center of the face, enlarged visible blood vessels, swollen skin, hot skin, rough scaly patches, pimple like rashes, raised patches of skin, and skin sensitivity. It can flare up for a while and subside. It is not contagious.

Why is the immune system reacting in this inflammatory way?
Well, rosacea is still a bit of a mystery for researchers. The exact cause of rosacea is not known, but scientists are making progress on figuring it out. There is an interesting rosacea and demodex face mite connection. Yes, a mite that lives on your face. It freaks me out, that's for sure! We'll get more into that little critter and how to get rid of it later on in this post.

There is a genetic predisposition associated with rosacea. It is most common in people of Northern European, Celtic and Scandinavian decent, more women than men, and often develops in people ages 30 to 50. It can certainly develop earlier, though. There are a variety of environmental and food triggers that can cause a rosacea symptoms to get worse. It is important to learn your triggers and avoid them to help prevent flare-ups.

There are 4 types of Rosacea.
Type 1 is called Erythematotelangiectatic Rosacea, ETR for short because who can pronounce Erythematotelangiectatic!!! This is the most common type of rosacea. The cheeks, nose and chin have persistent redness with dilated blood vessels. The skin feels hot, it can feel like it is stinging or burning. It can have a rough, scaly texture and the skin can be swollen. The symptoms can flare up and disappear. The redness can become permanent without treatment.

Type 2 is called Papulopustular  Rosacea, PPR for short. It has also been called Acne Rosacea because looks similar to acne with it's pimply rash, but it does not respond to acne treatments. The cheeks, the sides of the nose, the forehead and the chin are most affected by PPR. The scalp, the neck and the chest can also be affected. 

Type 3 is called Phymatous Rosacea. This type of rosacea affects mostly the nose. It causes thickened, swollen, discolored, bumpy skin creating a bulbous nose aka rhinophyma. The old-time celebrity W.C. Fields had classic rhinophyma. Type 3 rosacea can also affect the chin, cheeks, forehead and ears.

Type 4 is Ocular Rosacea. It affects the eyes and causes them to be bloodshot and watery. It can lead to an inflammatory condition called Blepharitis.  Eyes feel dry, gritty, itchy and are sensitive to light. Vision may be blurred. There may be swelling of the eyelids and the skin at the base of the eyelashes. There may be crusty dandruff flakes in the eyelashes. 

Rosacea Triggers & Possible Causes

What Triggers Rosacea to Flare up?
Although the exact underlying cause of rosacea is not known, experts do know many triggers that can cause a flare. Some triggers, such as UV radiation, affect everyone with rosacea. Other triggers, such as a particular food, can cause a flare-up in one person but may not trigger a flare-up in another person. You have to know your personal rosacea triggers. Start a food and daily living diary to keep track of your daily life and how your skin is reacting. You may not see a reaction from a trigger right away. It may take 1 or 2 days for the skin to flare.

UV Radiation
We may love feeling the warm sun on our faces, but it is the worst thing for people with rosacea! UV light causes stress in the skin which results in an inflammatory response from our immune system. It increases chemical signals in our skin that support blood vessel growth. UV light can also change the microbiome of our skin resulting in increased inflammation. The remedy is simple. Use that magic anti-aging protective cream...sunscreen. Use it every day. Use mineral sunscreen, a physical sunscreen not a chemical sunscreen, made for sensitive skin. And don't forget your hat!

Environmental & Physical Triggers
Along with the sun, there are other environmental conditions that can increase rosacea symptoms. Extreme temperatures, humidity, dry air and wind can irritate the skin causing a flare-up. Things we do in daily life that increase our body temperature such as taking a hot bath or shower, sitting in a sauna, doing exercise that produces excessive sweat can cause a flare-up. Some personal care products we use, such as hairspray, can increase rosacea symptoms.

Hormonal Changes
For many women, hormonal changes can cause rosacea to flare. The changes in hormone levels during the monthly mensural cycle, pregnancy, perimenopause and menopause can all trigger a rosacea flare.

Emotional Response
We have all seen someone blush. The cheeks get hot and red. People with rosacea can experience flushing connected to an emotional response to anger, stress, anxiety, embarrassment, etc. more than someone who doesn't have rosacea.
Alcoholic beverages
Yes, I am sorry to say that my beloved red wine is a rosacea trigger. Wine and other alcoholic beverages cause vasodilation, oxidative stress, and can disrupt our gut and skin microbiome allowing a rosacea flare up. There is a strong correlation between rhinophyma and heavy alcohol consumption. You may find one type of alcohol causes a flare up for you and another does not. Limit your alcohol consumption and know your triggers so you can avoid them. 

Spicy Foods
Foods containing capsaicin, such as Chili, Mexican food and Cajun food, can cause a rosacea flare up.
Foods containing allyl isothiocyanate, such as wasabi, hot mustard and horseradish can also cause rosacea to flare up.

Foods Containing Cinnamaldehyde 
Cinnamon, chocolate, tomatoes and citrus are some foods that contain cinnamaldehyde that can cause a rosacea flare for some people.

Drinking Hot Beverages
A cup of coffee, hot tea or hot chocolate trigger a rosacea flare for some people.

Oxidative Stress
Oxidative stress happens when there are too many free radicals in your body and not enough anti-oxidants to neutralize them. Free radicals are unstable oxygen containing molecules with unpaired electrons that attack normal molecules to steal electrons they need. They turn a healthy molecule into an unstable free radical starting a chain reaction damaging cells increasing the risk of diseases. Eat foods that are high in antioxidants to neutralize free radicals reducing oxidative stress.

Gut Microbiome is Out of Whack
The bacteria Helicobacter Pylori (H. pylori for short) is a bacterium responsible for chronic gastritis, gastric cancer and gastrointestinal ulcers. Most people have these bacteria as part of their normal microbiome. A problem can occur when it overpopulates. Scientists have found that H. pylori causes an inflammatory response that can cause rosacea to flare up. H. Pylori infections are treated with anti-biotics and a diet with increased probiotic foods to help balance the microbiome, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acid foods to calm inflammation, along with antioxidant fruits and veggies.

The Demodex Mite
It's time to talk about that notorious face mite that I mentioned earlier in this post, the demodex. We all have our personal microbiome. We have our own personal internal microbiome. Gut health, prebiotics, probiotics are a hot topic that we all hear about almost every day. Our skin also has it's own personal microbiome. 

We are hosts to a vast array of microorganisms, fungi, bacteria, viruses and mites. I'm talking a lot. Like trillions of tiny creatures. It's very freaky and I get creeped out more and more when I think about it. Researchers find that the most of these tiny creatures in our microbiome are very beneficial to our health. For example, certain types of bacteria that live on our skin can fight off harmful microbes and may play a role in preventing skin cancer.

Let's focus in on the things living on our skin. The microorganisms in our skin's microbiome have three specific types of relationships with us. We have the commensals, the symbiots and the pathogens.

Commensals are microorganisms that live on our skin. They get some benefit from us, such as they may eat our dead skin, but we do not get any benefits from them. They usually do no harm but can get out of control and cause an issue. For example, the fungus candida albicans is harmless until there is a disruption in balance, and they overgrow causing a yeast infection. That's the worst!
The symbionts are microorganisms that benefit us and we also benefit them. It's mutually beneficial relationship.

The pathogens are microorganisms that can cause disease. They may have no negative effects and can even be beneficial depending on how many there are.

Why am I telling you all of this? I promise, it will all come together!

The demodex mite lives in our pores/hair follicles. There are two demodex species that live on humans. Demodex brevis lives in the hair follicles/pores on the face and Demodex folliculorum lives in the eyelashes.  These mites eat the oil (sebum) our sebaceous glands produce. There can be 10 to 12 mite living in one hair follicle. 😲

We are not born with them but acquire them from other people. They are commensal microorganisms. Some people have more demodex mites than others. Since they eat sebum, those with oily skin tend to have more mites. The demodex population in our skin rises as we get older. Research has shown that people who have rosacea have a larger population of demodex mites than people who don't have rosacea. Do you see where this is going?

The demodex is an eight-legged arachnid. Yes, arachnid as in spider. The demodex is a microscopic relative of spiders, ticks and scorpions. They are very tiny, about 0.3 millimeters long and can only be seen with a microscope.  Super disgusting!!! But wait, it gets worse.

If you wish to see what this critter looks like, Click Here to see Getty images of the demodex mite 

The demodex mites come out of your pores at night when it's dark to mate. They do not like the light. The male will travel around the skin searching for a mate. They can move 8-16 cm per hour on an oily skin type. The female goes back in the pore where she lays up to 24 eggs near the sebaceous glands. Come on, that's a lot of eggs in one little pore!!! The mite's life cycle is about two to three weeks. Sorry, it gets even worse.

Now this mite has bacteria associated with it, Bacillus oleronius and Staphylococcus epidermidis. These mites don't poop. They have no anus, so their waste is stored inside of them. When they die and their little arachnid bodies breakdown, all that waste is spilled out in our pores. Now we have bacteria to deal with! SMH

These mites are typically no problem even though they sound horrendous. Remember, they are classified as commensals. When they overpopulate, however, it becomes a demodex infestation. Lots of mites equals lots of Bacillus oleronius and Staphylococcus epidermidis. The immune system jumps into action creating inflammation to fight the bacteria resulting in irritation, redness, bumps and pustules. Demodicosis is a severe overgrowth of the demodex mite. 

Click here to read about a demodicosis case from the National Library of Medicine. It has very good images of the demodex skin rash and microscopic images of the mites.

Demodex Q&A

So why does mite overpopulation happen in the first place?
An infestation occurs because something has caused the skin to become out of balance, the immune system is not functioning properly, the immune system is compromised due to illness or chemotherapy, or the person has rosacea.  

How do you know you have Demodex infestation?
Your doctor will diagnose it by using a Dermascope to look at your skin or take a skin scraping to view under a microscope. 

So, which came first, the demodex or the rosacea? 
Does the mite cause rosacea? Or does the rosacea create an environment for the mite to overgrow? This is a topic scientists are grappling with. There is ongoing research being done to learn more about rosacea and its true cause.

For me, from my personal experience, the demodex mite is a significant cause for rosacea because when I use skin care products with ingredients that are known to kill the demodex mite, my type 2 rosacea symptoms improve dramatically. The mite has also been connected to eczema, psoriasis, bacterial folliculitis, plus blepharitis and demodicosis and more skin conditions.

Is the Demodex mite contagious?
Yes, the Demodex mite can spread from one person to another. Earlier in the post I mentioned that babies do not have this mite when they are born. They acquire them from other humans. Don't panic! These mites are relatively harmless.

Can the Demodex mite live in bedding?
More horrifying news for you. Yes!!! The Demodex mite eats our natural oils. If our pillowcase is covered with our oils, then the Demodex mite can survive there and crawl back on our faces when it wants to. Same goes for towels, washcloths and anything else that our natural oils have rubbed onto. 

Use a clean pillowcase, washcloth and towel every day. I keep a nice stack of fresh linens, so I don't have to wash constantly. Wash your linens in hot water and dry them in a hot dryer to kill the mites. Studies show that Demodex mites die in one minute when the temperature is above 136.4 degrees Farenheit/58 degrees Celsius.

You can use a blow dry on hot for 5 to 10 minutes to kill Demodex mites on your clothes. You can also put items in direct sunlight for 3 hours to kill mites. I guess there is something to be said about hanging your clothes out to dry!

Can the Demodex mite live in mascara and other face makeup?
Sorry once again! Yes!!! Studies have shown that partially submerged or fully submerged Demodex mites can survive for a few hours to a few days depending on the type of makeup.

Lipstick: Demodex mites submerged in lipstick lived the longest, up to 260 hours in one study.

Mascara: Demodex mites submerged in mascara lived an average of 21 hours. One study says 56 hours!

Powers: Demodex mites submerged in powder cosmetics lived up to 4.5 hours.

The moral of the story is don't share cosmetics. Consider using disposable makeup applicators. Have your makeup done by a professional makeup artist who practices hygienic makeup application techniques. Don't use old makeup. These studies looked at how long the mite could live in cosmetics. They weren't looking at the bacteria they left behind.

Can the Demodex mite live on makeup brushes?
If the brushes have your natural oils on them, yes, the demodex mite can survive on your makeup brushes! Keep your brushes as clean as possible by washing them regularly and giving them an alcohol dip. A study has shown 100% alcohol killed Demodex mites in 3.9 minutes. Don't forget to clean hairbrushes and combs. They can live there too!

Let's Kill the Demodex Mite!!!
It's almost impossible to get rid of every single demodex mite living in our skin but we can take their numbers down dramatically. We need to use acaricide, a substance that is poisonous to ticks and mites. There are prescription acaricides and over the counter acaricides.

Prescription Rosacea Treatment 
The treatment for each of the four types of rosacea will vary slightly.  Typically, a combination of oral antibiotics and topical medication is used for treatment. 

The oral antibiotics used to kill bacteria and calm inflammation in rosacea treatment include doxycycline, minocycline, erythromycin and metronidazole. The topical antibiotic metronidazole gel or cream is also commonly prescribed along with topical erythromycin and clindamycin.

Commonly prescribed topical treatments used to kill demodex mites include ivermectin 1% cream, permethrin, benzoyl benzoate, crotamiton, lindane, sulfur and azelaic acid.

Why does the skin seem to get worse when rosacea treatment is started?
Rosacea treatment will start to kill off a larger amount of Demodex mites so more of them will be breaking down releasing their bacteria. More bacteria cause the immune system to react causing irritation and inflammation. Stay consistent with your rosacea treatment. Your skin will calm down and improve.

Let's get down to the Nitty-Gritty!

Personally, am not a fan a most prescribed medications. They seem to have a lot of negative side effects for me such as getting rashes from taking oral antibiotics. I prefer to go the more natural route whenever possible. 

As I mentioned earlier in this post, I experience flare-ups of type 2 papulopustular rosacea. The holidays did me in, with too many triggers: too much wine, too much stress, not enough sleep, too much sugar and worst of all, I ran out of one of my favorite skin care products that keeps my skin in check and waited too long to replace it because I was too busy shopping for everyone else. My skin got out of balance. Those nasty Demodex mites started to get out of control and a rosacea flare-up resulted. It always happens in the same place for me, the corner of the nose extending down following the nasolabial fold. It will spread if it doesn't get nipped in the bud asap.

It's a battle!
This is a battle of might against mites. It may take 12 weeks to clear the mite overpopulation. That is true for both prescription and over-the-counter remedies. Those mites are persistent little creatures. There are a lot of them, 10-12 mites in one affected pore/hair follicle plus their eggs. They are deep in the pores. You must be tenacious in your anti mite rosacea treatment. The treatment must be aggressive yet gentle at the same time.

The object of my treatment is to gently exfoliate the skin to allow better penetration of treatment products, keep the pores as clear as possible with non-comedogenic products to allow for better penetration of treatment products, reduce inflammation, rebalance the skin's microbiome and of course, kill and remove demodex mites as well as the bacteria associated with them while keeping the skin calm and moisturized. I know, it's a tall order! 

Some of the products I use are a bargain. Some of them are expensive. There are certain products you will see me recommend repeatedly throughout my blog. They are that good and can treat a variety of skin conditions. All of the beauty products I use are cruelty free. The products I use and recommend are for cosmetic use and are not to be used as medical advice. 

Please know that you can be allergic to or become irritated by any plant based cosmetic product especially if you are an allergic type of person. Pregnant women and those under a doctors care should always consult with their doctor before using essential oils or taking supplements.

Here are my weapons to kill Demodex mites, kill Bacillus oleronius, and calm the rosacea inflammation for type 2 papulopustular rosacea flare-up.
products to heal rosacea
First, I will go over each product, give you a bit of info about it, and tell you why I use it. Then, I will tell you the exact skin care regimen I follow. I have included my Amazon Affiliate Links to help you find the products I use. I earn a small amount from qualifying purchases at no cost to you which help me keep my blog running. I thank you for using them💗

List of Rosacea Treatment Products I Use to Calm a type 2 Rosacea Flare-up

Tea Tree Oil
tea tree oil
Tea Tree Oil, also known as melaleuca oil, is a highly effective anti-microbial essential oil capable of killing the Demodex mite, bacteria and viruses. It is derived from the leaves of the Australian Tea Tree. It is the number 1 recommended natural remedy for treating a Demodex issue. In vitro studies have shown 100% tea tree kills the Demodex mite in 3.7 minutes. Tea tree oil will help bring some mites to the surface of the skin as they try to escape the oil.

Tea tree oil is a safe oil to use neat, meaning undiluted on the skin, however, it is very potent and can cause skin irritation when used full strength. You can use it neat to spot treat if your skin can handle it or it you are using it to treat toenail fungus. 

It is best to dilute tea tree oil in a carrier oil to prevent skin irritation. I'll go over the dilution rate later in my skin care plan. I recommend using Castor Oil as the carrier oil for rosacea treatment. 

 Tea tree oil is very useful for unclogging hair follicles and will not clog the pores. 

Use caution using essential oils around cats. Do not get it on them. They lack enzymes to break them down so the essential oil becomes toxic for them.

I use tea tree oil to bring Demodex mites to the surface of the skin, kill the Demodex mite and the bacteria associated with it.

 Get a small .33fl oz (10ml) size bottle for $6.99.

Castor Oil
Castor oil for rosacea treatment
Castor oil is an amazing healing oil! It comes from the seeds of the Ricinus communis plant. It is a monounsaturated oil with healing, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. It has been used for thousands of years for medical and beauty treatments. It is also used to help grow hair particularly eyebrow hair. 

 It scores a 1 on the comedogenic scale so it is unlikely for clog your pores and is able to penetrate deeper into the skin than other plant oils. 

This is a very thick oil and can be mixed with a lighter weight oil such as sunflower oil to thin it. I do not thin it because its thickness may trap and suffocate Demodex mites.  I use it as my carrier oil for tea tree oil for rosacea treatment. Always use hexane free castor oil. Hexane is a solvent used to extract oils from seed and vegetables and can affect the nervous system, cause dizziness, nausea and headaches.

I use castor oil to calm the skin, help unclog the pores, kill bacteria, moisturize the skin and help carry tea tree oil into the skin.

 Castor oil is a beauty bargain. Get a 16 oz. bottle for $15.25.

Kiss my Face Pure Olive Oil Soap Bar, Fragrance Free
Kiss my Face Olive Oil Soap
I typically do not recommend using soap on your face however, this Kiss My Face is 86% olive oil with only two other ingredients. Olive oil contains monounsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants. It also has anti-inflammatory properties to calm irritated skin. Olive oil rates a 2 on the comedogenic scale so there is a slight possibility that it can clog the pores. It is made in Greece.

I use olive oil soap to gently cleanse the skin and remove any Demodex mites from the surface of the skin.
 I find it is very effective for both cleaning and calming your face and is very reasonably priced! $5.99 for a 3 pack!!!

Ingredients: Sodium Olivate (Saponified Olive Oil), Water, Sodium Chloride (Sea Salt)

Lotion YonKa PNG Healing Mist for Oily/Combination Skin
This product is truly a magic potion! It is a moisturizing toner that will work well for any skin type except very dry skin. There is a dry skin formula available, Lotion Yon-Ka PS. The PNG formula has a higher concentration of active ingredients, so I like to recommend it over the PS formula. It has calming, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, decongestant, healing properties, and smells fresh and clean. 

Use it twice daily as a toner to hydrate the skin and balance pH or spray on skin irritations including sunburn for soothing and healing. Yon-Ka Lotion contains a blend of lavender, geranium, rosemary, cypress, and thyme essential oils along with castor oil. 

I use Lotion YonKa to calm and heal inflammation and create an unpleasant environment for Demodex mites.

It is a bit pricy at $50.00 but I have found nothing else like it. It lasts a long time and is worth every penny!

Ingredients: Water, Lavandula Angustifolia (Lavender) Oil, Pelargonium Graveolens (Geranium) Leaf Oil, Rosmarinus Officinalis (Rosemary) Leaf Oil, Cupressus Sempervirens (Cypress) Oil, Thymus Vulgaris (Thyme) Flower/Leaf Oil, Peg-35 Castor Oil, Chlorhexidine Digluconate, Sodium Benzoate, Linalool *, Citronellol *, Geraniol *, Limonene *, Coumarin *, Citral *.
*Ingredients may be subject to change. The most accurate and up to date product ingredient list can also be found on the product packaging

Azelaic Acid
Zeal Sea  10% azelaic acid cream
Azelaic Acid is a naturally occurring antioxidant acid found in grains including wheat, rye and barley. It is dicarboxylic acid and is used to treat acne, melasma and rosacea due to its anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory properties. It also can kill the demodex mite and acne causing bacteria. It is also used to decrease hyper pigmentation (dark spots) on the skin. 

It is available in serum and cream/gel formula. Some people experience itching or burning when they use azelaic acid. I did experience some itching and burning when I first started using it but the irritation stopped after a week. 10% and 12% azelaic acid solutions in serum or cream/gel form are available over the counter. Solutions containing more than 15% are by prescription. Some azelaic acid creams have a slight greenish tint to help camouflage redness. 

I use azelaic acid to reduce redness, kill the Demodex mite and the bacteria associated with it.

Find Supra 10% Azelaic Acid for the bargain price of $9.99 on Amazon.


Yonka Sensitive Creme
Yon-KA sensitive creme
Rosacea skin requires special sensitive skin treatment. This healing, soothing moisturizer from Yon-Ka Paris helps calm blotchy redness.  It's proprietary Sensibiotic complex of prebiotics and probiotics helps to balance the skin's microbiome aiding in strengthening the skin protective barrier. 

I use YonKa Sensitive Cream to calm redness and rebalance my skin's microbiome.

This is an excellent product for sensitive and is a bit pricy at $74.00.

Aqua/Water/Eau, Octyldodecyl Myristate, Glycerin, Hydrogenated Coconut Oil, Hydrogenated Vegetable Glycerides, Cetearyl Alcohol, Propanediol, Squalane, Alpha-Glucan Oligosaccharide, Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea) Butter, Glyceryl Stearate, Cetearyl Glucoside, Polymnia Sonchifolia Root Juice, Caprylyl Glycol, Sodium Acrylates Copolymer, Maltodextrin, Chlorphenesin, Lecithin, Phenoxyethanol, Caprylhydroxamic Acid, Bisabolol, Xanthan Gum, Helianthus Annuus (Sunflower) Seed Oil, Biosaccharide Gum-1, Rosmarinus Officinalis (Rosemary) Leaf Extract, Lactobacillus, Tripleurospermum Maritimum Extract, Sorbic Acid

Gommage Yon-Ka
Gommage Yon-ka
This is another one of my favorite products! It is a gentle, non-irritant exfoliant that removes dead skin, reduces redness, hydrates and brightens the skin. There are no grainy particles. Apply this gel peel to your face, wait about 2 to 4 minutes, it will start to feel tacky, then use your fingers gently massaging in little circles to remove the product and the dead skin cells that stick to it. It may absorb into dehydrated skin requiring a second application. Rinse and spray with YonKa toner. I recommend using this product once a week. 

I used Gommage YonKa to gently exfoliate my skin to aid the penetration of azelaic acid, tea tree oil and castor oil.

This is a unique product priced at $54.00.

 Key ingredients: Carob, brown algae derivative: exfoliating, White nettle: soothing
Essential oil of lime and bornéol: purifying – clearing complexion, Plant glycerine: hydrating

Other ingredients: Water, Propylene Glycol, Glycerin, Algin, Ceratonia Siliqua (Locust Bean) Gum, Lamium Album (White Nettle) Flower Extract, Borneol, Citrus Aurantifolia (Lime) Oil, Peg-35 Castor Oil, Phenoxyethanol, Sodium Chloride, Magnesium Chloride, Sodium Sulfate, Calcium Chloride, Limonene *, Linalool *, Citral *

Bentonite Clay
bentonite clay powder
Bentonite clay is very drawing. It is known to absorb oils, remove toxins, soothe irritation, calm redness and help heal breakouts. This product is a powder that needs to be mixed to a liquid or cream to use as a facial mask. I like to mix up a mask using bentonite, azelaic acid and tea tree oil as a once per week mask treatment. If it can absorb oils and toxins, I surmise it can absorb Demodex mites! I'll give you my mask recipe later on in my skin care regimen. 

I use bentonite powder as a face mask ingredient to absorb Demodex mites from the skin.

This is a bargain product selling for $7.49 on Amazon!

Hydrogen Peroxide
Essential Oxygen Hydrogen Peroxide Not tested on Animals
Yes, plain old hydrogen peroxide. I like to use it as a very short-term spot treatment on pustules to quickly kill bacteria and heal the blemish. It has become a controversial ingredient for the skin, though. It is no longer recommended for cleaning cuts and preventing infection. They say it is an irritant and can make wounds heal more slowly. I personally have not experienced irritation and slow healing. I will continue to use it, rebel that I am! 

I use hydrogen peroxide to spot treat pustule bacteria.

By a stroke of luck, I have discovered the Essential Oxygen brand of hydrogen peroxide which is cruelty free!!! Find a 16oz bottle for $9.16 on Amazon. 

Wild Food Dental Probiotics
Wild Fuel Dental Probiotics
This is obviously not a cosmetic product. This dental probiotic supplement is used to support oral health, fight gum disease, freshen breath, and balance oral pH. It is vegetarian and free of lactose, soy, gluten, wheat, nuts, shellfish, chemicals, preservatives, sugar, artificial color or flavors.

I started using dental probiotics to promote healthy gums. I have recently read that Lactobacillus plantarum is helpful for rosacea for its anti-inflammatory properties. Since this product contains Lactobacillus plantarum, I included it in my list of rosacea products. 

Maybe it helps calm skin inflammation.

Supplement Facts Serving Size: 1 Tablet. Servings Per Container: 45. 
Amount Per Serving: Calcium (as Dicalcium Phosphate) 100 mg, Zinc (as Zinc Bisglycinate Chelate(TRAACS)) 2 mg,  
Proprietary Probiotic Blend - 3 Billion CFU L. (Bacillus Coagulans, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium lactis, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus salivarius, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Bifidobacterium breve, Lactobacillus paracasei, Lactobacillus lactis, Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus brevis, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Bifidobacterium longum)

Other Ingredients: Dicalcium Phosphate, Inulin, Isomalt (as Isomalto- oligosaccharide 90%), Microcrystalline Cellulose, Stevia, Natural Peppermint Flavor, Natural Spearmint Flavor. Sorbitol, Crospovidone, Silicon Dioxide.

Pauplar Pustular Type 2 Rosacea
This is a picture of my skin one month after I started my rosacea treatment. You can see the skin is much calmer than in the picture earlier in this post.

 My Rosacea Skin Care Regimen for a Type 2 Rosacea Flare-up

My Morning Rosacea Skin Care Routine

Tea Tree Oil Treatment
I apply undiluted tea tree oil to areas of skin that are irritated or breaking out and leave on for 10-15 minutes to encourage mite to leave the pores.

I my wash face with warm (not hot) water and olive oil soap to remove any mites from the surface of the skin.

I spray a generous amount of Lotion YonKa to my entire face and lightly massage it in.

Azelaic Acid Application
I apply a thin layer of azelaic acid to affected areas and just outside of the affected area.

Tea Tree & Castor Oil
I mix 1 drop of tea tree oil to a dime size amount of castor oil in the palm of my hand then pat it onto my entire face and allow it to absorb for at least 10 minutes.

I apply a thin layer of YonKa Sensitive Creme to my entire face and eye cream then do my makeup.

My Evening Rosacea Skin Care Routine

Remove Makeup
I remove any makeup from the broken out irritated areas with a little olive oil soap and water.

Tea Tree Oil Treatment
I apply undiluted tea tree oil to areas of skin that are irritated or breaking out and leave on for 10-15 minutes to encourage mite to leave the pores.

I my wash face with warm (not hot) water and olive oil soap to remove any mites from the surface of the skin.

I spray a generous amount of Lotion YonKa to my entire face and lightly massage it in.

Hydrogen Peroxide
This is an as needed step. I apply hydrogen peroxide with a cotton swab to any pustules. Allow it to dry. One application on a blemish usually does the trick to help it heal overnight. 

Azelaic Acid Application
I apply a thin layer of azelaic acid to affected areas and just outside of the affected area.

Tea Tree & Castor Oil
I mix 1 drop of tea tree oil to a dime size amount of castor oil in the palm of my hand then pat it onto my entire face and allow it to absorb for at least 10 minutes.

I apply a thin layer of YonKa Sensitive Creme to my entire face. Many times, I skip the moisturizer allowing the castor oil to be my moisturizer. I always apply eye cream, though.

My Once a Week Rosacea Treatment

I apply Gommage YonKa to my clean face and allow it to become tacky. It takes about 2-4 minutes to become tacky. I then roll off the gommage by making little circles with my fingers. It will come off in little pieces that look like particles from using an eraser. If the product doesn't start to roll off, it has absorbed too much. Apply another thin layer and roll it off.

Rinse and Tone
I rinse off any gommage residue with warm water then spray Lotion Yonka and massage it in.

I mix about one Tablespoon of bentonite clay powder with about 2 teaspoons of azelaic acid gel and about 5 drops of tea tree oil. I apply it to my entire face. Mask ingredients stay more active when wet. I use a warm washcloth as a compress to keep the mask wet. I leave the mask on for 20 to 30 minutes warming up the compress as needed. Then it is rinsed off with warm water.

I spray with YonKa Lotion and massage it in.

I apply a thin layer of YonKa Sensitive Creme to my entire face and eye cream.

This is my skin care regimen that I follow for at least 3 months to calm and heal my type 2 rosacea flare-ups. Then, I go back to a much simpler daily skin care routine consisting of cleanser, toner, serum, moisturizer and eye cream. I do not get flares often, thank goodness. Being proactive as soon as I see any sign of irritation will clear the inflammation and the outbreak quickly. I waited a little too long this time.

I hope this post has given a few pointers for treating a papulopustular rosacea flare-up and helps you help your skin look calmer and more beautiful.

Please Buy Cruelty Free & Have a Calm and Beautiful Day!
Licensed Cosmetologist, Esthetician, Makeup Artist

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